Alvarium is an independent investment firm and global multi-family office providing tailored solutions for families, foundations and institutions across the globe. The company specialises in acting as a trusted adviser to family office, institutional and sovereign clients with complex needs, providing investment advice, and risk management using the full spectrum of public and private markets.

Custom UI Design

We created a unique and recognisable design, via a perfect user flow that connects and converts with action-driven solutions.


Improving customer retention by enhancing the user experience, through carefully selected micro interactions and background animations.

Onsite SEO

Building an intuitive and efficient site structure has made an impact on Alvarium’s most important goals, increasing leads and sales.

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Redefined For Mobile

The use of a considered and unique font helps Alvarium’s messaging stand out, especially clear and easy to read on smaller devices. The colourful, deliberately chosen imagery and icons help lead the user into the next sections of the page. These sub sections follow a simple, but organised visual pattern consisting of a header, sub header, content and imagery. Each of the subpages explains who the company is, what they do, the benefits, and case studies, all in a concise manner for mobile users to easily digest.

Dynamic USP

A unique and engaging hero area now grab’s users attention, helping Alvarium users identify the brand’s unique selling point, and form a positive opinion as soon as they land on the website. We’ve deployed a custom background video in an attempt to create a more personalised experience for web users.

Alvarium Content Background
Alvarium Hex Background

Asymmetrical layout

Our goal for an asymmetrical design was to make it possible to create tension and dynamism, facilitating visitor behaviour by focusing the user’s attention on certain focal points around the site. By changing the width, scale, and colour of each asymmetrical piece of content, positively helps users stay visually engaged - we’ve attempted to break the mould, without shattering user expectations.


One of the key challenges of this redesign was repairing the high bounce rate and decreasing conversions. A considered user exerience was key to ensure the correct balance of promoting the company brand and explaining key features and services. We performed a full user experience audit, highlighting issues and opportunities withineach section of the site with a view to increasing the rate of conversions.
The website’s ‘call to action’ points are now interspersed in strategic locations throughout the site, helping nudge people in the right direction. Each visitor’s journey from when they first land on the site, to filling in a contact form is accounted for, with emphasis on keeping the journey effortless and concise.

Alvarium Content Background

We continue to work closely with the Alvarium team, from a website support point of view, building on top of what we’ve already done to continue looking for opportunities for improvement.

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