Mobil@Doktorn case study

Health care in your home, with just a few clicks

Healthcare - Mobil@Doktorn mockup

We value time nowadays. But nothing is more precious than health. So, we merged those two things. People in Sweden are now able to schedule a home visit of a doctor with an app. It’s as easy as using Uber – it requires an app. There’s no need to wait in lines or even make a call to take care of a home visit. Two native applications for Android and iOS make it possible to receive medical advice, get a prescription, or reference for a specialist.


Product Design
Mobile Development
Web Development

Project size

200 000 – $400 000


5 years

Client partnership goals

The project required a platform for both patients and doctors, so we crafted a web app with two separate panels. This way, each party was able to manage their accounts. As the idea was to make scheduling home visits from anywhere easy, we also forged mobile apps for patients (Android and iOS native apps). But that’s not all. We also took care of making a promotional and informational website, as well as the admin panel to control the whole system. - Mobi@Doktorn mockup

Values that we deliver

itCrafta - Expertise


Combined experience of our pros
goes beyond a lifetime of one person.

itCrafta - Transparency


We will always keep you up-to-date
– we know that business is based on trust.


You will save the most valuable resource
– time. Optimization is our second name.

Unique approach

We want to know you better and we want to understand your projects.


Taking care of your health should be easy. And it is now with this digital solution. You can schedule a home visit even from your couch.

A two-side web application was a must, as well as crafting an intuitive mobile application for users. We also had to focus on the security, as this digital solution involves sensitive data. The BankID system was used as a 2-step, secure authentication mechanism. The project also required a few integrations – Google Places (the apps are Uber-type), payment gateways, and an invoicing system. Our pros went beyond the expectations. The best proof is that the project is developed further. Did we mention an intuitive and compelling User Interface? That also made the project become Sweden’s largest service for medical house calls.

Challenges we overcome

A web application for doctors and patients was one thing. A mobile app that works on Android and iPhones was second. Third – super-secure database. We crafted perfection.

It’s always a challenge to forge a game-changing solution. Sure, one can call the doctor from anywhere – it only requires a mobile phone. But scheduling a home visit is different, especially when one wants to avoid busy lines and waiting in queues. Hey, the same situation was with ordering a taxi, wasn’t it? That was inspiring, so we forged an application that works in the same way as Uber. No more waiting. Just a few clicks and a home visit is scheduled. Works in 11 main cities in Sweden now. We changed the game for real.


Scheduling a home visit required time and patience. Saving time is crucial nowadays. Taking care of your health is vital. So, we made an app that saves time and helps take care of health.

The web application for doctors and patients displays all the required data regarding their home visits. But there’s more. The company required a digital product that would allow patients and medical specialists to connect in a user-friendly way, anywhere. Thus, we crafted mobile apps which help patients can schedule home visits. And doctors can plan their schedules and overlook a list of house calls they need to attend with a convenient map to plan their routes. Now that is a synonym of a user-friendly solution.


We helped millions of patients, that is something we can be proud of. But there’s more. The launch of MindLeap was so successful that it was later acquired by Mydecine Innovations Group.


rating on appstore




acquired investors


Users interactions monthly

“The Human-App Interaction is something entirely new in comparison to other language learning tools. The most challenging part was to make this new approach obvious and intuitive for the end users.”

by Aneta Romankiewicz

UX/UI Designer

Team composition

First, our Business Analyst shaped the business model. After this step, the UX&UI pros forged the design and delivered clickable prototypes. Then the mobile devs and QA engineer took over and crafted the extremely viable release. Even though it was not an MVP, it was a blast. A true example of how we care about people – thousands of downloads after the release proves it.




System & Business









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